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How You Can Help

It's amazing...the Pearce Q Foundation is growing exponentially, right in front of our eyes. For those of you that are interested in helping, we need:

Prayers, Prayers, and more Prayers!
All religious faith's are welcome to pray for the kids still battling cancer.

TeamPearce Volunteers
If you can volunteer some of your time or ideas, we would greatly appreciate it. Even if you can't come to meetings, we need people that can make phone calls and help out at events.

Contact us at:, fax 302 994 1124 or call 302 753 8612.

Goods and Services

We need donated goods and services for auctions and fundraisers. Also, many times we need Facilities for our meetings and Fundraising Events. Contact us at:


Click here to make Instant Online Donations

Or, please mail your donation to:
    7209 Lancaster Pike Suite 4 # 227
    Hockessin, DE 19707